Monthly newsletter for writers

Become a stronger storyteller, bit by bit.

You know you can always get better at writing. That feels either exciting or exhausting to you—maybe both.

But with each word on the page, you hone your craftsmanship. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter for curated insights from a developmental editor so you can strengthen your storytelling with each draft.

What’s inside

Dahlhouse digest

Curated insights from writing craft books so you can spend more time actually writing. Stay bright-eyed with bite-sized recaps and resources.

Deep dives on storytelling topics

Revisit best practices for show vs. tell, backstory and flashbacks, plot points and beats, scene structure, pacing, and so much more.

Editorial business updates

Be the first to learn of new author services, editing packages, schedule updates, and more.

What you ask for

Is there something you want me to cover? A question you’re struggling with or a scene that’s stuck? Let me know!

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