The Process

Know what to expect

Get in touch

Contact me through my website and tell me a bit about your book! I’ll respond via email in one to two business days.

Discovery call

Let’s talk! I like to start with a free, 20-minute discovery call. It lets me learn more about your book and goals. It’s also a great time to ask me any questions you have.

Sample edit and proposal

After you provide your manuscript, I’ll complete your free sample edit. I’ll also send you a proposal for ways we could work together (see pricing for my services). There’s no obligation for a sample edit. It simply gives you an idea of my editing and feedback style so you can choose the right editor for you.

Sign agreement and pay deposit

If you decide we’re a good fit, we’ll make it official by signing a service agreement. It outlines the scope of work, cost, and schedule for your editing project. You’ll secure your spot on my schedule with a deposit (typically 10% of the total project cost).

Begin edit

I’ll begin your edit according to the timeline we agreed upon. The first payment (usually 45% of the total project cost) is due at the start of the edit. Most edits take three to five weeks, depending on the length of your novel.

Receive editing deliverables

The moment you’ve been waiting for! I send you the editorial deliverables based on the type of editing service. I highly encourage you to get comfy and cozy as you read through the documents. This is also when the final payment (usually the remaining 45% of the total project cost) is due.

Post-edit consultation call

Take some time to digest the editorial feedback. Then we’ll set a call to reconnect. Bring reactions, questions, ideas—whatever will help you start revisions with confidence.

Email support

I’ll update you throughout the process via email. If we’re doing a developmental edit, you can also reach out to me via email during your revision process. Whether you need a brainstorming partner or someone to provide accountability for progress, I’m here to help revision seem less daunting.