Editing services for fiction authors

Let’s uncover the best version of your story.

I work with fiction writers to help them level-up their manuscripts before they self-publish as indie authors or query an agent for traditional publishing.

You’ve written your book, revised it, maybe stared at it for so long you’ve forgotten your middle name.

Now you’re ready for some professional editing feedback that will help you strengthen your story and connect with your readers.

Get big-picture feedback

Advance your storytelling craft and receive specific, actionable advice on how to improve your manuscript.

Developmental Edit

$0.035 per word

A developmental edit is the most in-depth assessment of your story. Improve your storytelling craft with big-picture feedback and detailed suggestions.

I will consider major elements such as plot, characterization, conflict, tension, worldbuilding, point of view, pace, themes, genre, structure, style, and more. I don’t edit your writing directly, but rather provide extensive advice for you to implement as you’d like.

I will read your manuscript twice (two passes).

What you get:

  • Discovery call: I get to know your vision and goals as an author so I can personalize your edit, helping you improve this book and grow as a writer overall.

  • Editorial letter: At 14 – 20 pages, this report will help you solve storytelling issues and discover opportunities to strengthen your characters, plot, and more. It includes a synopsis of your book, evaluates what works, and explains what needs work.

  • Detailed comments in the manuscript: Reactions, observations, suggestions, and analyses on specific passages offer guidance in context.

  • Book map: Scene-by-scene summaries can help you develop themes, characters, and sequencing of plots and subplots.

  • Post-edit consultation call: Once you’ve digested the feedback, we can connect to discuss your questions or ideas so you can begin revisions with confidence.

  • Email support: You can reach out during your revision process to brainstorm, bounce ideas off of me, or gain additional clarification.

Manuscript Evaluation

$0.018 per word

Less detailed than a developmental edit, a manuscript evaluation gives high-level guidance on storytelling areas that need the most attention.

It assesses the same elements as a developmental edit: plot, conflict, characterization, structure, worldbuilding, pace, and more. You’ll get an evaluation letter that prioritizes the elements that would benefit most from revision.

I will read your manuscript once (one pass).

What you get:

  • Discovery call: I customize your edit by first understanding your goals as an author.

  • Manuscript evaluation letter: At 5 – 8 pages, this report will highlight the areas that need the most attention in your revisions. It evaluates what works and what needs work so you can focus revisions on the elements that will have the biggest impact.

  • Comments in the manuscript: I comment on specific moments where storytelling elements work well or may not be working as intended.

  • Post-edit consultation call: Once you’ve digested the feedback, we can connect to discuss your questions or ideas so you can begin revisions with confidence.

Beta Reading

$0.012 per word

With the lightest level of feedback, a beta reading helps you understand how readers may experience your work.

A beta read briefly reacts to the main storytelling elements, such as plot, characterization, and conflict.

Many authors work with beta readers who give feedback for free—so why pay for beta reading? My beta reading service is essentially a mini developmental edit. I bring my professional editing experience to create a structured and actionable report for you.

I will read your manuscript once (one pass).

What you get:

  • Discovery call: I gain an understanding of your goals for your book so I can tailor the feedback for your needs.

  • Beta read letter: At 3 – 5 pages, this report will identify the book’s strengths and weaknesses, share my reactions, and offer brief suggestions so you can begin revisions with confidence.

  • Post-edit consultation call: Once you’ve digested the feedback, we can connect to discuss your reactions, questions, or ideas.

Payment plans to meet your goals and your budget

It’s important that authors can access high-quality editorial services. That’s why I offer varying service options and payment structures.

I spread out payments and tie them to key milestones in your edit. Here is the typical payment plan most clients use:

  • 10% deposit to book a spot on my editing calendar

  • 45% at the start of the edit

  • 45% when the edit is complete

You can expect my rates to be consistent with the industry average, according to the Editorial Freelancers Association.

Here’s how it works

Add-ons for editing packages

Take advantage of package add-ons when you work with me for a developmental edit, manuscript evaluation, or beta read.

Book Blurb

Get a custom book blurb designed to attract your target readers. This add-on is great for self-publishing indie authors.

A good book blurb doesn’t just tell someone what your book is about. It gives them a taste and entices them to discover your book for themselves.

Writing book blurbs is my jam! I get to know your book during our edit. Then I’ll apply my marketing background to craft a book blurb that connects with new readers.


Interested in working with one trusted editor throughout the process? I offer copyediting services to existing clients.

Copyediting addresses grammar, spelling, punctuation, inconsistencies, and adherence to a style guide to polish your writing and prepare it for publication. You’ll receive the copyedited manuscript, a style sheet, and ongoing email support.

Emma Elizabeth, Fantasy Author

“Emily is so thoughtful in the way she gives feedback that I came out of our beta read process feeling more confident in my writing.”

Sue Meredith Mann, Historical Fiction/Literary Fiction Author

“Emily’s feedback and suggestions give you a clear path to the rewriting you need to do. I came away inspired and energized to dive into the revisions.”

C.N., Fantasy Author

“I came away with a clear vision of how to make my novel the best it can be.”

Wondering which edit is right for your book?

Let’s talk about your goals. Start with a free, 20-minute discovery call.